Our partners

AGRONAUTEN is a non-profit association that researches and communicates many aspects related to food and farming culture – especially regional, organic agriculture and food systems that are viable for the future. Thus Agronauten are working on topics like partnership models of producers and consumers, access to land for agroecological farmers, self-empowered technological solutions for farmers, regional logistics, integration of refugees through agri-culture, indicators of farm sustainability and change of food and farming culture.

Based on the demand of the community of agricultural extension service providers, governmental and grassroots organisations in developing countries, and with full backing of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Access Agriculture was founded in 2012 to improve rural livelihoods and transition towards healthy food systems in the global South. Access Agriculture promotes agroecology and rural entrepreneurship through capacity development and South-South exchange of quality farmer-to-farmer training videos in local languages. Access Agriculture is an international non-profit organisation that works across the global South, with Head Office in Brussels, Belgium and regional offices in Kenya, Benin, Bangladesh, India and Bolivia.

Ksapa is a social purpose corporation. With that in mind, Ksapa is structured to provide innovative and high-impact solutions to its clients’ complex challenges. A team combined with a global community of experts and a Mission Committee allow Ksapa to offer maximum value to its clients with the benefit of a strategic vision and global operational reach for our programs. Finally, a Mission Commitee pushes Ksapa to stay true to its mission.

The Schöck-Familien-Stiftung non-profit GmbH was founded in 2012 on the initiative of Sabine Schöck. The company exclusively full fills charitable purposes and is based in Baden-Baden.
With the foundation, the Schöck family currently mainly supports projects to promote school and vocational training in India, Nepal and some African countries as well as development and social projects in Baden-Württemberg. She primarily wants to help existing associations and other foundations to set up and implement their projects successfully. It is important to the family to enable disadvantaged people to live a successful and responsible life through individually tailored support, good education, and training.