17.01.24 – Sri Lanka – Navdanya International
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Reiserntemaschine in der Mitte eines Reisfeldes, Sri Lanka (Bild von Theja D Senanayake / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0 Deed)
Organic Agriculture was not the Cause of Sri Lanka’s Economic Chaos.The ban on chemical fertilizers and agrochemicals was not to turn Sri Lanka into an organic country; it was to reduce Sri Lanka’s crippling national debt. A presidential task force was formed to develop a green, climate change-resilient economy of which organic agriculture was one aspect.
Sir Lanka never implemented a national organic transition program, so the campaign to blame the collapse of its economy on organic agriculture is pure misinformation based on a series of lies fed by a PR company to poor-quality journalists who did not fact-check.
For more details : https://www.pressenza.com/2024/01/sri-lankas-organic-way/?fbclid=IwAR00T_4PvPU1aFcyxP1gquBJyRj3STpWQ1k3TU_oUb9XG-nIahCgYys3Zc8
