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Sri Lanka’s organic way
17.01.24 - Sri Lanka - Navdanya International This post is also available in: German Reiserntemaschine in der Mitte eines Reisfeldes, Sri Lanka (Bild von Theja D Senanayake / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0 Deed) Organic Agriculture was

Thai Pongal event – 2024
Thai Pongal Day is more of a cultural festival than a religious one, it is a cultural festival where farmers offer blessings to the nature that helped them in their work, to the animals they

lanka Organic Agriculture Movement addresses COP28 – UAE
Lanka Organic Agriculture Movement president Mr. Thilak Kariyawasam attended the COP28 – UAE international conference held last November and participated in several special events. Accordingly, he participated in the following forums and expressed his views

Food Systems Pavilion @ COP28
FSP Thematic Day focus: Regenerative Agriculture & Agroecology Session 4: People & places: agroecology and regenerative approaches from the ground up Date : 2nd of December (Today) Time: 15:30-16:30 Join us for an inspiring session

ලංකා කාබනික කෘෂිකර්ම ව්යාපාරයේ පුහුණු මධ්යස්ථානය ප්රජාව වෙත විවෘත කිරීම
කාබනික හා පාරිසරික වගාව වෙනුවෙන් LOAM විසින් ආරම්භ කළ පුහුණු මධ්යස්ථානයේ ප්රථම කණ්ඩායම පුහුණු කිරීම පසුගිය 2023 ඔක්තෝබර් 31 වනදා සාර්ථකව සිදු කිරීමට හැකි විය. ඒ, මත්තේගොඩ පිහිටි අක්කර 04ක භූමියක පැතිරී ඇති LOAM හි

Statement from Karen Mapusua, President of IFOAM
Organics International in response to the statement below made by Matthias Berninger, head of public affairs and sustainability at Bayer. “Some NGOs want to introduce agroecology for Africa across the board. This is an ideologically

Current Food Crisis and Regenerative Agriculture as a Solution
An open public discussion titled "Current Food Crisis and Regenerative Agriculture as a Solution" was successfully held at the Hector Kobbekaduwa Agricultural Research Institute (HARTI) on the 5th of October. Dr. Ranil Senanayake (Chairman of

කාබනික හා පාරිසරික වගාව වෙනුවෙන් LOAM වෙතින් පුහුණු මධ්යස්ථානයක්
අගනුවර ආශ්රිතව ජීවත් වන ජනතාව හා ආයතන සඳහා කාබනික වගාව හා පාරිසරික වගාව පිළිබඳ පුහුණු කිරීමට සහ ප්රායෝගිකව ආදර්ශනය කර පෙන්වීමට සුදුසු පුහුණු මධ්යස්ථානයක අඩුවක් දීර්ඝ කාලයක් පැවතුණි. මෙම අඩුව සම්පූර්ණ කිරීම සඳහා සුදුසු පුහුණු

Joint Statement Rebutting Distorted Media Lies About Sri Lanka’s Organic Pathway
Agribusiness cartels and media articles stated that Sri Lanka’s economic chaos was caused by the government forcing the country to go organic. These articles' familiar false narratives, untruths, and language style show spin doctors wrote

Renowned Scientist Prof. Sultan Ismail’s Visit To Sri Lanka On The Theme Of Earthworm Technology And Organic Agriculture Policy
The world renounced Scientist Prof. Sultan Ismail visited Sri Lanka to conduct a series of sessions regarding organic agriculture through out several days in a several key occasions. Minister of Agriculture, Prof. Sultan Ismail and
LOAM in Local Media
feb 22 / 2022 < DINAMINA NEWSPAPER
[ARTICLE] නිවැරදිව කල යුතු කාබනික සංකල්පය
[NEW ARTICLE] නිවැරදිව කල යුතු කාබනික සංකල්පය
Dinamina Newspaper | 2022-02-22
aug 11 / 2021 < DINAMINA NEWSPAPER
[ARTICLE] අපේ කාබනික නිශ්පාදන ලොව ජයගත්තේ මෙහෙමයි
[NEW ARTICLE] අපේ කාබනික නිශ්පාදන ලොව ජයගත්තේ මෙහෙමයි
Dinamina Newspaper | 2021-08-11